Swear Jar


Swear Jar

Okay, so I have this major problem of swearing at home. So to solve this problem I decided a while back to make a “Swear Jar” to help and remind me not to do it. Needless to say it somewhat helped. However after a while I began to cheat. See I ran out of coins to put in it so I would take one out and then put it back in. Drew caught me and said that doesn’t count. I couldn’t help it WE WERE OUT OF COINS! Clearly it didn’t help in the long run. Plus I took all our change to the bank to have it processed.


Anyone want to contribute to this issues? No? Okay…




My brain is like, “Today I’m going to exercise,” my body’s response, “HAHA that’s hilarious.”
No Motivation WHAT so ever, I think it is because I don’t have a gym membership. We currently can’t afford one. I could go to the Asbury Gym daily, except that is a 30 minute drive back and forth. I do have exercise videos, but after a while you get to know the lines, the music becomes lame, and you can basically predict the next move resulting in repetition and no desire to repeat it. -_- Plus I use the excuse NOW that it is cold, no one wants to run in 9 degree weather…or 32…etc.
Any suggestions?

P.s Her kicks (in the drawing) are pretty awesome

Demon Ants


Demon Ants

I have never liked ants. It all started when I turned over a giant rock in Arizona and fire ant’s crawled all over me. ಠ_ಠ I faced a carpenter ant in my dorm room at IWU…and ants crawling all over my bed. Recent was at my friend’s house, I set my phone down, went to pick it up AND THEY WERE INSIDE OF IT! *shivers* Forever haunted.